One-Way Reservation Form for Oigawa Main Line Tourist Trains

  • Tourist trains (including steam trains) run between Shin-Kanaya and Kawane-Onsen Sasamado.
  • Reservations open 30 days prior to departure and close 2 days prior to departure.
  • Customers who wish to reserve round-trip itineraries are required to make inidividual reservations for each direction of travel.
  • Once we process your reservation, you will recieve a confirmation email with your reservaton number. If you do not recieve your confirmation email 3 days after you have completed this form, please contact us via our international contacts form
  • If you cancel your reservation after 10 days before your departure, there will be a cancellation charge.
  • On the day of travel, please tell your reservation number (written on your confirmation email) to our ticketing agent at our ticket offices. You may recieve your tickets at the following locations:
    ① SL Ticketing Center opposite Shin-Kanaya Station
    ② Ieyama Station
    ③ Senzu Station

Travel Details

RequiredDate of Travel

※Non-operational dates are not indicated.
※Tickets can only be booked from 30 days prior to departure.
 Please refer to our timetable for full calendars for steam trains and electric loco hauled trains.

RequiredDirection / Train
RequiredDeparture Station
RequiredNumber of Adults
RequiredNumber of Children(aged 6-12)
OptionalNumber of Infants(who need seats)

Regarding seats for infants(aged under 6)

Customer Information

RequiredE-mail Address
RequiredConfirmation E-mail Address
RequiredName of Representative
RequiredPostal Code
RequiredPhone No.

※Please check detailed information for a cancellation charge.

Please agree to our privacy policy when you reserve.

If you cannot send this form, please contact us by telephone. Our phone number is +81-547-45-4112. You can reserve by 12:00 1 day before your boarding.