Oigawa Main Line Train Fares (Kanaya Station ­ Senzu Station)

Kanaya 150 190 230 230 280 460 600 690 830 880 920
80 Shin-kanaya 150 150 150 190 370 460 600 690 780 830
100 80 Daikan-cho 150 150 150 280 420 510 650 690 780
120 80 80 Higiri 150 150 280 370 510 600 690 740
120 80 80 80 Gokaku 150 230 370 460 600 650 690
140 100 80 80 80 Kadode 230 330 460 550 650 690
230 190 140 140 120 120 Kamio 150 230 370 420 510
300 230 210 190 190 170 80 Fukuyo 150 230 330 370
350 300 260 260 230 230 120 80 Owada 150 190 280
420 350 330 300 300 280 190 120 80 Ieyama 150 150
440 390 350 350 330 330 210 170 100 80 Nukuri 150
460 420 390 370 350 350 260 190 140 80 80 Kawane

Steam trains and Electric Loco hauled trains (express trains) require supplementary express fares.

Adult fare / Child fare

Supplementary Fares for Steam Locomotive and Electric Locomotive hauled express trains

Adults Child
Steam express / Electric loco express fare 1,000 500

Child­rate Fares

Children under 13 years travel half price. Please note that the all Steam(Electric) Locomotive Express trains are reserved seat trains, and children will also need to pay the express fee in addition for the boarding ticket.

Other Fares

Disabled passengers and carers can travel half price with a disabled persons card.

Credit Cards

You can pay fares by card at Shin-Kanaya Station, Plaza Loco, SL centre and Senzu Station.


Ikawa Line /Southern Alps Apt Line Train Fares (Senzu Station ­ Ikawa Station)

Senzu 160 160 210 310 420 520 620 670 720 830 930 1080 1340
80 Kawane
160 160 260 360 470 570 620 670 780 880 1030 1290
80 80 Sawama 160 210 310 420 470 570 620 720 830 980 1240
110 80 80 Domoto 160 210 310 420 470 520 620 720 880 1140
160 130 110 80 Kawane
160 260 310 360 470 520 620 780 1030
210 180 160 110 80 Okuizumi 160 210 310 360 420 570 670 930
260 240 210 160 130 80 Abt
160 160 210 310 420 570 830
310 290 240 210 160 110 80 Nagashima
160 160 260 360 520 780
340 310 290 240 180 160 80 80 Hiranda 160 160 310 420 670
360 340 310 260 240 180 110 80 80 Oku-oi
160 210 360 620
420 390 360 310 260 210 160 130 80 80 Sessokyo
160 260 520
470 440 420 360 310 290 210 180 160 110 80 Omori 160 420
540 520 490 440 390 340 290 260 210 180 130 80 Kanzo 260
670 650 620 570 520 470 420 390 340 310 260 210 130 Ikawa

Adult fares / Child fares

Sumata­kyo Line Bus Fares (Senzu ⇄ Sumata­kyo Onsen)

Senzu Station 280 380 900 900
140 Shirasawa
280 810 830
190 140 Okuizumi 650 650
450 410 330 Sumatakyo
450 420 330 70 Sumata-

Adult fares / Child fares

Kanzo Line Bus Fares (Senzu ⇄ Sesso­kyo Onsen/Kanzo Station)

Senzu Station 380 550 680 750 850
190 Okuizumi 260 420 490 600
280 130 Nagashima Dam 230 310 420
340 210 120 Kozyo Entrance 140 280
380 250 160 70 Sessokyo Onsen 200
430 300 210 140 100 Kanzo Statin

Adult fares / Child fares

Child­rate Fares

Children under 13 years travel half price.