臨時普通電車 804レ・805レ 運転日

新金谷駅11:05発→金谷駅11:09着の上り普通電車、ならびに金谷駅11:23発→新金谷駅11:27着の下り普通電車(SL・EL急行かわね路1号 連絡)は、下記のSL・EL急行かわね路1号運転日に限り運転いたします。

Shuttle trains No. 804 (Shin-Kanaya 11:05 dep → Kanaya 11:09 arr) and No. 805 (Kanaya 11:23 dep → Shin-Kanaya 11:27 arr) will only operate on the following dates highlighted in yellow.
Train No. 805 will act as the connection between the JR Tokaido Line and Express train No. 101 departing Shin-Kanaya at 11:52. Passengers who intend to board train no. 101 should arrive no later than train no. 805.

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