Enjoy your trip along the river Sumatakyo Onsen Course
Steam Locomotives, Abt System Trains, local trains and buses. Unlimited rides on all to head to Sumata-kyo Onsen across two days.



Take a brisk walk to "Yume no Tsuribashi" after breakfast. The view from the bridge is breathtaking.
Take the bus back to Senzu station
Why not hit the noodle stand at the station for lunch? If you prefer to spend more time at Senzu, there is a local train leaving at14:35 which will arrive at Kanaya Station at15:46.
Local trains will take you back to where the journey began.
You can buy souvenirs, including DaiTetsu original items, at Plaza Loco.

A perfect ticket for this course
Roundtrip for Kanzo/Senzu
Unlimited rides on Oigawa Main Line (Kanaya Station to Senzu Station) and Southern Alps Abt Line (Senzu Station to Sessokyo Onsen Station) and Kanzo Line Buses/ Steam Locomotive Express tickets are required for Steam Locomotive rides.